IRradiation Effects on HTS for Fusion
The goal of the workshop is to create a strong network of researchers that unites the competences coming from the nuclear fusion community with those from scholars who worked on the high temperature superconductors (HTS). In our view this is a crucial step to tackle the several challenges related to the effects of particle radiation on the HTS tapes that are enabling the development of compact fusion reactors.
Hotel Bellavista Club, Corso Roma, I-73014 Gallipoli (LE), Italy
They will be published within the end of January 2025.
Francesco Laviano (PoliTO)
Daniele Torsello (PoliTO)
Michela Fracasso (PoliTO)
Roberto Gerbaldo (PoliTO)
Laura Gozzelino (PoliTO)
Laura Savoldi (PoliTO)
Massimo Zucchetti (PoliTO)
Giuseppe Celentano (ENEA)
Leonardo Civale (LANL – retired)
Michael Eisterer (TUWien)
David Fischer (MIT)
Susannah Speller (Oxford)
Chao Zhou (ASIPP)